921mm x 1,057mm x 2,422mm
36" x 42" x 95"
Packing Dimensions
1,150mm x 995mm x 2,180mm
45" x 39" x 86"
Product Weight 168 kg / 370 lbs
Packing Weight 198 kg / 437 lbs
Power 250w
TicketRedemption BobbleHeadBaseball2-VS
Bobblehead Baseball VS Play Your Way, Earn Your Way!
Have fun with quirky bobble-headed avatars of Major League Baseball's biggest stars.
Onboard program switching between non-ticket and ticket operations.
Two-player mode : engage in head-to-head pitching, batting and base running action.
One-player mode:select role of pitcher or batter to customize experience.
Operator-adjustable difficutly settings.
Pitch fastballs, curves and changeups.
Batter aims for single, double, triple and home run targets - while avoiding outs.
Mystery targets add element of surprise.
Competitive pricing ensures faster ROI for street operators.
Parts list
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